INK Festival 2025 will be 24th – 28th April – Save The Date!

How to get the best out of the Festival


We have attended the INK Festival for several years, here are our top tips

  1. Sit down with the programme and map before you start and carefully plan your schedule in order to get the most out of this unique experience.
  2. Leave time to get to your chosen venue, and for popular events, especially in the smaller venues, make sure you arrive early, or you may not get a seat! Remember that most of the plays are repeated, so you will usually get a second chance!
  3. It’s tempting to cram as much in as possible, but experience has taught us make sure we build a few breaks into our schedule and take advantage of the delicious food on offer at the various venues and in the town, and a few coffee and tea stops as well, not forgetting a drink or two in one of Halesworth’s lovely pubs along the way.
  4. We used to come for just one or two days, but now try to attend all four, which pretty much guarantees you will get to see everything you want to and have a more relaxing experience. Even if you can only make a day or two you will still have a great time, but you’ll either need a lot of energy or to be a bit more selective in your choices!
  5. We recommend booking for the one-off events in the evening as well, which are always a treat, and there are some lovely restaurants in the town where you can have a well-earned dinner to round off your visit.

Julia Berry and Lucy King-Smith, Ealing.

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